Coming up

Please find details below for all our forthcoming events, meetings, apiary visits and social events. We look forward to meeting you there!

Winter meetings

Our Winter Programme continues in January with an excellent line-up of in-person speakers and you are heartily recommended to attend:

• 21 January 2025, 19.00 start

St. George's Church Hall, 110 Eastbourne Road, Polegate, BN26 5DF

Beekeeping Like You've Never Seen it Before

With Mike Roscopes (this is a sign-up event only - now full)

• 18 February 2025, 19.00 for 19.30 start

St. George's Church Hall, 110 Eastbourne Road, Polegate, BN26 5DF

Varroa Tolerant Bees by Steve Riley, Westerham BKA

• 18 March 2025, 19.00 for 19.30 start

St. George's Church Hall, 110 Eastbourne Road, Polegate, BN26 5DF

From Forage to Honey Harvest; Factors Affecting the Productivity of Your Hive(s)

by John Farmer, Eastbourne BKA

• 15 April 2025, 19.00 for 19.30 start

St. George's Church Hall, 110 Eastbourne Road, Polegate, BN26 5DF Queen Seen or Not Seen; a Whole Evening Dedicated to That ONE Bee by Simon Tuck, Master Beekeeper, Eastbourne BKA